Plastic Bottle Solar Bulbs! Liter of Light
A lot many more amazing videos here Liter of Light
Today one of my friends sent me a video on how people were using plastic bottles to create solar bulbs! I was truly amazed at seeing the video and think this idea should be shared to the fullest. There are countless people around the world whom this idea can benefit immensely!
On looking around on the internet I am seeing this concept has been implemented for a few years now. However, I had never heard about this until today. I do not know how many people or countries have yet not heard about this and how many more areas could benefit from this concept.
Purpose of writing this article is to share this idea to some one like myself who had never heard of this before. It is through such education and awareness that we can make difference in our society. I hope this article makes people think about this concept.
If you think this could benefit those who do not have access to electricity or lighting, please share this so we can help in our little way to propagate this idea to areas that would eventually benefit.
Plastic Bottle Solar Bulbs! Liter of Light
Reviewed by Unknown
February 21, 2016

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