Pressures of a BAD marriage
Bad relationship in the South Asian community is more common than before. One reason for bad marriage is the necessity of marriage and ‘being married’ in Desi culture. South Asian traditions have long dictated that parents take the forefront of finding suitable marriage partners for their children. They consider children marriage is to be their single most important goal of life.
But not all marriages are end up happily, even for Desi couples. When we are talking of modern world should parents really go to such extreme lengths as to encourage their child to marry someone just because they feel obligated. Parents without considering what the consequences of going into a bad marriage which is a progressing trend in Asian society. Children who feel compelled to marry out of their parent’s happiness at the expense of their own can sees their lives radically change, and many can be financially and mentally stressed out or impacted.
Some children’s may be pressured because they are the eldest in their family, with younger siblings to be mindful of, or they may even be the only sibling left unmarried. Marriage then is not solely a personnel thing, in Asian culture it is actually the opposite – with young men and women acutely aware of how a refusal can be prestige issue and can shake family well being.
Much new Asian generation are also beginning to question the necessity of marriage completely. Some are more obsessed on their own personal security, whether that is career progression, or just an inclination to enjoy the perks of single life. After being study in foreign universities and brought up to live free and independently, now expect to be caged back up into a marriage that may not actually work out. So the question is why an unhappy marriage better than no marriage at all? But for older generations of Asians, marriage is the cornerstone of Desi culture and will this cultural necessity ever diminish going forward.
Pressures of a BAD marriage
Reviewed by Unknown
May 26, 2016

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