First Time Experiences by Desis new to the US
First time landing in a foreign country, the excitement!
Learning about the custom of calling relatives in advance before visiting!
Never surfed so much internet over the week ends before!
Driving lessons and taking car on the free way for the first time
Happiness on finding out the nearest Indian grocery store is walking distance!
First time you taste the food made by you
After you get your drivers license
Trying to get first car loan
Time to visit India to find some one special, get engaged and get married all in one trip?
Package from India has arrived with home made food!
First Thanks Giving in US, finding deals online and shopping cheap, bragging about shopping success to friends
Night before the Job Interview
Finding out on Facebook, half of your class mates back home are not only married but also have kids by now
After you land your first job in the USA!!!
Finding out loved ones back home are proud of what you have achieved so far, priceless!
GIF Courtesy:
First Time Experiences by Desis new to the US
Reviewed by Unknown
February 27, 2016

One V Imp - Incase Passport Sent For Renewal Via Post to BLS Passport USA "without signature must of recipient" then issues faced to trace also needs to be mentioned :)