The top 10 negative emotions we see most often in most people
The top 10 negative emotions we see most often in most people. These are just a general list. Negative emotions aren’t bad. They can only harm if you don’t let them go. The definition of the emotions are provided by Dr. Bradley Nelson, founder of The Emotion Code.
1. Anxiety: A generalized feeling of uneasiness and foreboding; a fear of the unknown; fear without a subject reason. It’s my belief that anxiety is just another emotion (or a mix of them) trying to come up! People can have a hard time identifying where the anxiety is coming from, what it is and when it started. It often becomes such a common feeling that we come up with all kinds of ways to ignore it.
2. Disgust: A feeling of loathing; when good taste or moral sense is offended; a strong aversion. It is a feeling that is low enough on the radar to not say anything about. It’s not like anger where you can lose your temper and it comes bellowing out. Disgust is more of an internal ruminating that one often keeps to themselves and aggravates over.
3. Grief: Intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc.; an acute sorrow and deep sadness. A universal reaction to bereavement. There are so many things humans have the tendency to grieve over. We often need to grieve over the loss of something we never attain our expectations.
4. Self-abuse: Abusing the self emotionally includes negative self-talk, blaming the self, etc. Abusing the self physically includes mistreating the body by use of addictive substances; to not care for the body by lack of sleep, proper diet or nutrition; to work beyond what one can or should endure; to punish or tax oneself excessively.
5. Unsupported: A lack of support, help or encouragement; not provided for by another; not defended when help is needed; feeling the burden is too heavy to bear alone. Feeling unsupported is scary and makes us feel like we have nowhere to turn. And when that happens, we usually find a distraction and don’t really work through the feelings and let them go.
6. Humiliation: A painful loss of pride, dignity or self-respect; to feel mortified; embarrassed. This is a very difficult thing to process because it’s hard to admit and share our humiliation. Also, with society’s expectations and how we tend to buy into them, we have plenty of opportunities to allow ourselves to feel humiliated over human mistakes, actions or simply how we look/act compared to what we think is the norm.
7. Overwhelm: To be overpowered in mind or emotion; extreme stress; feeling overpowered with superior force; feeling excessively burdened. This is often self-inflicted. We can tend to be overwhelmed with emotion and if we don’t want to feel that, we can bury it and it can become trapped.
8. Worthless: Of no importance or value; without excellence of character, quality or esteem; serving no purpose. So many of us have given other people permission to define our worth. We hold tight to those perceptions and are scared to let go of them, sometimes because we don’t really know who we are; and sometimes because other people’s perceptions of us serve us.
9. Lost: Unable to see the correct or acceptable course; having no direction. Emotionally lost refers to a feeling of being unable to see what the right decision or direction is; being unable to find emotional stability.
10. Conflict: Internal Conflict is a mental and emotional struggle within the self, arising from opposing demands or impulses. External Conflict is to fight; to disagree or be disagreeable; to struggle or battle against; to antagonize. Prolonged strife or struggle.
1. Anxiety: A generalized feeling of uneasiness and foreboding; a fear of the unknown; fear without a subject reason. It’s my belief that anxiety is just another emotion (or a mix of them) trying to come up! People can have a hard time identifying where the anxiety is coming from, what it is and when it started. It often becomes such a common feeling that we come up with all kinds of ways to ignore it.
2. Disgust: A feeling of loathing; when good taste or moral sense is offended; a strong aversion. It is a feeling that is low enough on the radar to not say anything about. It’s not like anger where you can lose your temper and it comes bellowing out. Disgust is more of an internal ruminating that one often keeps to themselves and aggravates over.
3. Grief: Intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc.; an acute sorrow and deep sadness. A universal reaction to bereavement. There are so many things humans have the tendency to grieve over. We often need to grieve over the loss of something we never attain our expectations.
4. Self-abuse: Abusing the self emotionally includes negative self-talk, blaming the self, etc. Abusing the self physically includes mistreating the body by use of addictive substances; to not care for the body by lack of sleep, proper diet or nutrition; to work beyond what one can or should endure; to punish or tax oneself excessively.
5. Unsupported: A lack of support, help or encouragement; not provided for by another; not defended when help is needed; feeling the burden is too heavy to bear alone. Feeling unsupported is scary and makes us feel like we have nowhere to turn. And when that happens, we usually find a distraction and don’t really work through the feelings and let them go.
6. Humiliation: A painful loss of pride, dignity or self-respect; to feel mortified; embarrassed. This is a very difficult thing to process because it’s hard to admit and share our humiliation. Also, with society’s expectations and how we tend to buy into them, we have plenty of opportunities to allow ourselves to feel humiliated over human mistakes, actions or simply how we look/act compared to what we think is the norm.
7. Overwhelm: To be overpowered in mind or emotion; extreme stress; feeling overpowered with superior force; feeling excessively burdened. This is often self-inflicted. We can tend to be overwhelmed with emotion and if we don’t want to feel that, we can bury it and it can become trapped.
8. Worthless: Of no importance or value; without excellence of character, quality or esteem; serving no purpose. So many of us have given other people permission to define our worth. We hold tight to those perceptions and are scared to let go of them, sometimes because we don’t really know who we are; and sometimes because other people’s perceptions of us serve us.
9. Lost: Unable to see the correct or acceptable course; having no direction. Emotionally lost refers to a feeling of being unable to see what the right decision or direction is; being unable to find emotional stability.
10. Conflict: Internal Conflict is a mental and emotional struggle within the self, arising from opposing demands or impulses. External Conflict is to fight; to disagree or be disagreeable; to struggle or battle against; to antagonize. Prolonged strife or struggle.
The top 10 negative emotions we see most often in most people
Reviewed by Unknown
May 09, 2016

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